Monday, November 10, 2008
Things have to get better with a new President, right?
Now that the election is over with, what's next? Repeal the NCLB? Fix it? Either way, we will need to be INVOLVED in the process as much as we were in the campaign. How about starting with a face to face meeting with our local congressional representatives? Anyone interested in coming with me? I am sure that our local congressional delegation needs to be reminded of our experiences with performance pay, --since that is an area that our new President is open to..
Looks like our local political position has improved, but there are some issue that even our traditional friends aren't the best votes on...such as school safety. I read parent responses from a local newpaper blog regarding school choice. It seems many magnet parents transfer their kids for the same reason so many put them in private school-- Bullying, Gangs and perceived lack of safety. It is imperative that we get it right on that issue and taking away the teacher's right to remove a chronically disruptive or violent student is a step in the wrong direction. There will be an important forum on the topic in December that all teachers should attend. Details to follow.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Way to go Wretha! National Recognition for Relief at the Gas Pump.
Houston Affiliate Secures $250 in Gas Money for School Workers
The AFT local representing school support workers in Houston is leading the country in obtaining relief from spiking gas prices. Houston's school board on June 26 approved a plan to give employees who make less than $30,000 a year a one-time stipend of $250 to help pay for gas. The relief will cost $2.85 million and cover 10,000 of the district's 30,000 employees. The lowest salary for teachers in Houston is $42,000, so they won't be eligible for the bonus.
The plan is the brainchild of Wretha Thomas, president of the Houston Educational Support Personnel, who originally approached the superintendent proposing a $500 supplement that could cover gas costs for much of the fall. A $250 bonus still may be able to cover a few fill-ups in September and part of October, she says, until the district can implement a vanpool program to get employees to work.
"The way I look at it, if gas gets so high, they're not going to be able to drive to work," Thomas says. "It's something we've got to face up front."
With gas apparently headed for $5 or $6 per gallon and the typical bus driver or food service worker earning $8 or $9 an hour, Thomas is concerned that school operations could grind to a halt. Nationwide, gas prices are averaging about $4 a gallon this week, and the cost already is eating up a third of many workers' paychecks.
Thomas can't see Houston idling its 2,000 buses and having children walk to school as a viable alternative. AFT research director Jewell Gould adds that while this is true for schools almost everywhere, it's particularly true in Houston, where there is no zoning and children would have to cross large distances, industrial areas and busy highways to walk to school.
"It's going to be a crisis," Thomas says. "The school districts are going to hit rock bottom if they don't put something in place. But we can all jump in on this because we've got to keep America moving." [Annette Licitra, Associated Press]
July 2, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Board Vote Today...Hope Erika is Right!
If you caught Erika Mellon's article on the budget (, then you noticed the positive response we have received from at least four of our trustees. We should all recognize the quality leadership exemplified by board members that prove priorty one is to attract and retain high quality tachers: Carol Mims Galloway, Paula Harris, Larry Marshall, and Greg Meyers (Manuel Rodriguez has been supportive of the raise during board workshops).
If you live in their district, please make sure you watch the vote today and send them a big thank you for being LEADERS on this issue.
It looks like Natasha Kamrani, Diane Johnson, and Harvin Moore are moving to vote against the budget. Does that give you a clear picture of where you stand on the priority list? Keep those contacts coming if you live in those districts. I know that I will be watching from a far to see what vote my board trustee takes.
Last and best chance to reach them would be to send a note to Ask her to forward to your chosen board member.
If you aren't working today it might be a good idea to witness the discussion in the board auditorium today.