Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Dear Members,

HFT continues to work on the issue of employees being billed for
payments in advance.  So far, HISD agreed to:

1. Allow employees to pay back advanced days with leave or vacation
days instead of pay deductions.

2.  Agreed to forgive half of advanced days for employees WHO WERE 12

3.  Agreed to work with employees who were 12 month employees as of
August 10, 2012, and who were billed and already repaid the full
amount.  HISD payroll will meet with the employee (employee needs to
call and make appointment) to reconcile, go back and apply leave days
and refund any money overpaid by the employee as a result of the
advance pay billing.

However, HFT thinks the intention of the Board was that all employees
who were active employees as of August 10, and being billed for the
advance pay, would have half of those days forgiven.  We do not see
why a 12 month employee who had their job changed to 10 month in
August should be penalized by having to pay the full amount when 12
month employees get half forgiven.  We will continue to press for

Unfortunately, anyone who left HISD over the summer and had the full
amount deducted from their last check will not be getting a refund.
This had been HISD's policy and practice for years.  Just as teachers
who resign before HISD announces a buy out are not able to get the buy

Any HISD employee who is being billed should make an appointment with
HISD payroll and have HISD explain to them the specifics of THEIR
amount due, the amount of vacation and leave they have, and how they
wish to resolve it.  If any current employee already paid, they need
to make an appointment to reconcile the days owed and any leave or
vacation they have and decide if they wish to use days and get a
refund of the cash or payroll deduction they already paid.

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